Reference for bindings expressions

Here you can find the reference for the bindings expressions you can add to the bindings of your objects, styles, and state managers. See Using styles and State managers.

You can create bindings after you add the Bindings property to a node. Blue type marks the properties that are controlled by a binding.

When creating bindings, note that:

See Using bindings.

Syntax   Common binding expressions
  # (comments)
() (parentheses)
= (assign)
  + (addition)
- (subtraction)
* (multiplication)
/ (division)
  Absolute value
Linear step
Square root
Property bindings
Alias bindings
Attribute bindings
Color attribute bindings
Transformation attribute bindings


# (comments)

Use a hash at the beginning of every line that contains a comment. You can use any sequence of characters in comments.

# This is a comment, so you can describe your binding expressions
# Calculate the value of A
A = (2 + 4) / 3

() (parentheses)

Use parentheses to group and contain expressions and parameters, and control the order of execution.

# Containing expressions: calculate the modulo of two values
MOD(23, 27)

# Grouping expressions: first add 2 and 4, then divide the result by 3,
# and return 2
A = (2 + 4) / 3

# First add FOV property to Render Transformation property attribute Scale X,
# then divide the result of the multiplication by 2
({../Camera/Fov} + {../Box/RenderTransformation}.ScaleX) / 2

= (assign)

Assigns a value to a variable.

Syntax var = value
var any valid variable name
value any supported variable value

# Assigns the value 2.0 to the variable 'A'
A = 2.0

# Assigns the value 4.0 to the variable 'B'
B = 4.0


+ (addition)

Adds two or more values, or combines strings into one.

Syntax value1 + value2
value1 color, int, float, string, vector2D, vector3D, vector4D, or boolean: augend
value2 color, int, float, string, vector2D, vector3D, vector4D, or boolean: addend
Returns the same type as parameters, except if one of parameters is float, it returns float

A = 2.0
B = 4.0

# Returns 6.0
A + B

- (subtraction)

Subtracts the value of the second parameter from the value of the first parameter. As a negation operator, it returns the result equivalent to multiplying the value by -1.

Syntax value1 - value2
value1 color, int, float, string, vector2D, vector3D, vector4D, or boolean: minuend
value2 color, int, float, string, vector2D, vector3D, vector4D, or boolean: subtrahend
Returns the same type as parameters, except if one of parameters is float, it returns float

A = 2.0
B = 4.0

# Returns -2.0
A - B

* (multiplication)

Multiplies the values of parameters.

Syntax value1 * value2
value1 color, int, float, vector2D, vector3D, vector4D, or boolean: multiplicand
value2 color, int, float, vector2D, vector3D, vector4D, or boolean: multiplier

Note that only one of the parameters can be boolean, but not both.


the same type as parameters, except:

  • If one of parameters is a float, it returns float
  • If one of parameters is boolean, it returns int, or float if at least one parameter is float

A = 2.0
B = 4.0

# Returns 8.0
A * B

/ (division)

Divides the value of the first parameter by the value of the second parameter.

Syntax value1 / value2
value1 color, int, float, vector2D, vector3D, vector4D, or boolean: dividend
value2 color, int, float, vector2D, vector3D, vector4D, or boolean: divisor

Note that only one of the parameters can be boolean, but not both.


the same type as parameters, except:

  • If one of parameters is a float, it returns float
  • If one of parameters is boolean, it returns int, or float if at least one parameter is float

A = 2.0
B = 4.0

# Returns 0.5
A / B


Casts between integer, float, and boolean are implicit and depend on the type of the property that uses the value. Casts to and from string are explicit.


Converts a value to an integer. Casts between integer, float, and boolean are implicit and depend on the type of the property that uses the value. Casts to and from string are explicit.

Syntax INT(value)
value float, boolean, string
Returns int

# Explicitly converts the string "5" to an integer, adds it to the integer 5,
# and assigns the result to the variable A. Returns integer 10.
A = 5 + INT("5")

# Implicitly converts boolean value True to integer, adds it to the integer 5,
# and assigns the result to the variable A. Returns integer 6.
B = 5 + True

# Explicitly converts float 5.5 to an integer, adds it to the integer and
# assigns the result to the variable C. Returns integer 7.
C = 2 + INT(5.5)


Converts a value to a float. Casts between integer, float, and boolean are implicit and depend on the type of the property that uses the value. Casts to and from string are explicit.

Syntax FLOAT(value)
value int, boolean, string
Returns float

# Converts the string "5" to a float, adds it to the integer 5,
# and assigns the result to the variable A. Returns float 10.000000.
A = 5 + FLOAT("5")

# Implicitly converts boolean value True to float, adds it to the float 5.1,
# and assigns the result to the variable A. Returns float 6.1.
B = 5.1 + True


Converts a value to a boolean. Casts between integer, float, and boolean are implicit and depend on the type of the property that uses the value. Casts to and from string are explicit.

Syntax BOOL(value)
value int, float, string
Returns bool

# Converts the string value "True" to a boolean, adds it to the integer 5,
# and assigns the result to the variable A. Returns integer 6.
A = 5 + BOOL("True")


Converts a value to a string. Casts between integer, float, and boolean are implicit and depend on the type of the property that uses the value. Casts to and from string are explicit.

Syntax STRING(value)
value int, float, boolean
Returns string

# Converts the integer 5 to a string, concatenates it to the string
# "Five is written as ", and assigns the result to the variable B.
# Returns string "Five is written as 5".
A = "Five is written as " + STRING(5)

# Converts the value of the variable A to a string, concatenates it
# to the string "Number of fingers on two hands is ", and assigns the result
# to the variable B. Returns string "Number of fingers on two hands is 10".
A = 10
C = "Number of fingers on two hands is " + STRING(A)


Absolute value

Calculates the absolute value of a number or a variable. The absolute value of a number is always positive.

Syntax ABS(value)
value color, int, float, vector2D, vector3D, vector4D: number to compute
Returns the same type as parameter

# Returns 5.2


Binds a property value to a piecewise function that you define in an Animation Data item. See Using piecewise functions in bindings.

Animate takes two arguments: the property to which you are binding the Animation Data item, and the resource ID of the Animation Data item where you define the piecewise function you want to use to set the value of the bound property. You have to place the Animation Data item to the resource dictionary where the object containing the binding can access it. See Using local and global resources.

For example, you can use the Animate function to set how quickly a needle in a gauge moves: you can set the needle to move faster from values 0 to 100 than it does for values from 100 to 250.

Syntax Animate(property, "animationDataResourceID")

path and name of the property you want to use to move along the animation curve instead of time

animationDataResourceID resource ID of the Animation Data item the animation curve of which you want to use to set the value of the bound property

# Uses the Position property to move along the animation curve
# of the Animation Data item with the resource ID Speed curve.
Animate({@./Position}, "Speed curve")


Calculates the closest integer value that is greater than or equal to the value of the parameter.

Syntax CEIL(value)
value color, int, float, vector2D, vector3D, vector4D: number to compute
Returns the same type as parameter, except for float parameters it returns int

# Returns 3.0

# Returns 16.0


Constrains a value to lie between two values. CLAMP returns the same value as MIN(MAX(value, low), high).

Syntax CLAMP(low, high, value)
low int or float: the lower end of the range to constrain the value
high int or float: the higher end of the range to constrain the value
value int or float: the value to constrain
Returns float if any of the parameters is float, otherwise int

# Returns 1
CLAMP(1, 4, 0.5)

# Returns 4
CLAMP(-3, 8, 4)


Calculates the closest integer value that is less than or equal to the value of the parameter.

Syntax FLOOR(value)
value color, int, float, vector2D, vector3D, vector4D: number to compute
Returns the same type as parameter, except for float parameters it returns int

# Returns 0

# Returns 1

# Returns 15

Linear step

Performs linear interpolation between two values. LINEARSTEP returns the same value as CLAMP(0, 1 (value - low) / (high - low)).

Syntax LINEARSTEP(low, high, value)
low int or float: the lower end of the linear function
high int or float: the higher end of the linear function
value int or float: the value to constrain

float if one of the parameters is float, otherwise int:

  • 0.0 if value is less than or equals low
  • 1.0 if value is greater than or equals high
  • Otherwise (value - low) / (high - low)

# Returns 0.0
LINEARSTEP(1, 4, 0.5)

# Returns 0.64 (7/11)
LINEARSTEP(-3, 8, 4)


Determines the larger of the two values and returns the larger value.

Syntax MAX(value1, value2)
value1 int, float, vector2D, vector3D, vector4D, or boolean: the first number to compare
value2 int, float, vector2D, vector3D, vector4D, or boolean: the second number to compare

Note that only one of the parameters can be boolean, but not both.

Returns the same type as parameters, float if one of parameters is float, otherwise int

# Returns 5
MAX(2, 5)

# Returns -2.1
MAX(-10, -2.1)


Determines the smaller of the two values and returns the smaller value.

Syntax MIN(value1, value2)
value1 int, float, vector2D, vector3D, vector4D, or boolean: the first number to compare
value2 int, float, vector2D, vector3D, vector4D, or boolean: the second number to compare

Note that only one of the parameters can be boolean, but not both.

Returns the same type as parameters, float if one of parameters is float, otherwise int

# Returns 2
MIN(2, 5)

# Returns -10
MIN(-10, -2.1)


Performs a linear interpolation between two values using a value to weight between them. Kanzi computes the result using this function: (end - start) * weight + start.

Syntax MIX(start, end, weight)
start int or float: the start of the interpolation range
end int or float: the end of the interpolation range
weight int or float: the value used for interpolation between start and end
Returns float if one of parameters is float, otherwise int

# Returns 2.5
MIX(1, 4, 0.5)

# Returns 0.5
MIX(-1, -4, -0.5)


Calculates the remainder when one number is divided by another. MOD() takes a division as a parameter and returns the remainder.

Syntax MOD(value1, value2)
value1 int, float, vector2D, vector3D, vector4D, or boolean: the first number to compare: dividend
value2 int, float, vector2D, vector3D, vector4D, or boolean: the first number to compare: divisor

Note that only one of the parameters can be boolean, but not both.

Returns the same type as parameters, float if one of parameters is float, otherwise int

# Returns 2.1
MOD(12.1, 5)

# Returns 23
MOD(23, 27)


Calculates exponential expressions. It is an efficient way for multiplying numbers by themselves.

Syntax POW(n, e)
n int, float, color, vector2D, vector3D, vector4D: base of the exponential expression
e int, float, or boolean: power by which to raise the base
Returns the same type as parameter n, except for int it returns float

# Is equivalent to 2*2*2*2*2 and returns 32
POW(2, 5)


Calculates the closest integer.

Syntax ROUND(value)
value color, int, float, vector2D, vector3D, vector4D: number to compute
Returns the same type as parameter, except for float it returns int

# Returns 1.0

# Returns 2.0

# Returns 0.0

Square root

Calculates the square root of a number. The square root value of a number is always positive.

Syntax SQRT(n)
n int, float, color, vector2D, vector3D, vector4D: number to compute
Returns the same type as parameter, except for int it returns float

# Returns 5.0


Compares a value to a threshold.

Syntax STEP(threshold, value)
threshold int, float, color, vector2D, vector3D, vector4D: threshold to compare against
value int, float, color, vector2D, vector3D, vector4D: number to compute: the value to compare against the threshold
Returns float, 0.0 if the value is lower than the threshold, 1.0 if the value equals or is greater than the threshold

# Returns 1.0
STEP(2, 5)

# Returns 0.0
STEP(0.0, -0.1)

# Returns 1.0
STEP(1.0, 1.0)

Common binding expressions


To bind a property value to a constant, enter just the constant.

# Binds the value of the selected property to 10.


In binding expressions you can use variables.

# Assigns the value 1 to the variable 'A', and binds the value of
# the variable to the selected property.
A = 1

# Same as above, but using an alternative syntax.
A = (1)

Property bindings

To bind a property to another property, enter in curly braces the @ sign followed by the relative path to the object, followed by a forward slash and source property name.

When you use the @ sign before the path, Kanzi Studio updates the binding expression whenever the location between the source and the target object in the scene graph changes. Note that with the @ sign you can create bindings only within the same prefab, not between prefabs.

You can drag property names from the Properties to the Binding Argument Editor.

You can use the operators and parentheses with property values and property attribute values.

Syntax {[path]/[property]}
[path] relative path to object
[property] name of the property

# Binds to property Layout Width of the current object.

# Binds to the property FOV of the Camera object.

# Same as above, but Kanzi Studio does not track the location of the target object.

# Binds to the property Vertical Margin of the Box object

# Multiplies the FOV property with the Layout Transformation property attribute Scale X.
{@../Camera/Fov} * {../Box/LayoutTransformation}.ScaleX

Alias bindings

To bind a property to an alias, enter in curly braces the # sign followed by the alias name, followed by a forward slash and property name of the alias' target. See Using aliases.

Syntax {#[aliasName]/[property]}
[aliasName] name of the alias
[property] name of the property

# Binds to the Layout Width property of the target object of the alias named Sphere.

# Multiplies the FOV property of the target object of the alias named MainCamera
# with the Render Transformation property attribute Scale X.
{#MainCamera/Fov} * {../Box/RenderTransformation}.ScaleX

Attribute bindings

To bind a property to object's property common attribute, enter in curly braces the relative path to the object, followed by a forward slash and property name, followed by a period and attribute name. For property attributes that are not common, instead of the attribute name use VectorN, where N is X, Y, Z, or W denoting the order in which the property is listed in the Properties. You can use the operators and parentheses with property values and property attribute values.

When you want to bind a property to an attribute use the following attributes.

Description Attribute name Attribute alternative names
Color property red color channel value ColorR Color_R, R
Color property green color channel value ColorG Color_G, G
Color property blue color channel value ColorB Color_B, B
Color property alpha channel value ColorA Color_A, A
Value of the object rotation around the X axis RotationX Rotation_X
Value of the object rotation around the Y axis RotationY Rotation_Y
Value of the object rotation around the Z axis RotationZ Rotation_Z
Value of the object scale along the X axis ScaleX Scale_X
Value of the object scale along the Y axis ScaleY Scale_Y
Value of the object scale along the Z axis ScaleZ Scale_Z
Value of the object location along the X axis TranslationX Translation_X, X
Value of the object location along the Y axis TranslationY Translation_Y, Y
Value of the object location along the Z axis TranslationZ Translation_Z, Z
The first attribute of a property VectorX Vector_X
The second attribute of a property VectorY Vector_Y
The third attribute of a property VectorZ Vector_Z
The fourth attribute of a property VectorW Vector_W


Syntax {[path]/[property]}.[attribute]
[path] relative path to object
[property] name of the property
[attribute] name of the attribute

# Binds to the attribute Scale X (value of the Scale X attribute)
# of the Box node's Layout Transformation property.

# Binds to the attribute Color R (value of the red color channel)
# of the Point Light node's Point Light Color property.
{../Point Light/PointLightColor}.ColorR

# Light objects have an attenuation property that has three attributes:
# Constant, Linear, and Quadratic.
# For example, for the Point Light:
# To bind to the first attribute (Constant)

# To bind to the second attribute (Linear)

# To bind to the third attribute (Quadratic)

# Multiply property FOV with Render Transformation property attribute Scale X.
{../Camera/Fov} * {../Box/RenderTransformation}.ScaleX

Color attribute bindings

Color4()binds color attributes. Color4() takes four arguments: the first specifies the value for the red color channel, the second specifies the value for the green color channel, the third specifies the value for the blue color channel, and the fourth specifies the value for the alpha channel. Color values are mapped to the range 0..1.

Syntax Color4(r, g, b, a)

0...1 range: red color channel value


0...1 range: green color channel value


0...1 range: blue color channel value


0...1 range: alpha channel value


# Sets the color to white and opaque.
Color4(1, 1, 1, 1)

# Same as above, but with alternative syntax.
Color(1, 1, 1, 1)

# Sets the color to red with 50% transparency.
Color4(1, 0, 0, 0.5)

# Invalid expression, one argument is missing.
Color4(0.1, 1, 0.4)

# Use variables as attributes of the Color4() to assign the
# attribute values of the whole Color property.
# Assigns custom properties Red, Green, and Blue to variables
# you use to control the color of an object.
red = {@./Red}
green = {@./Green}
blue = {@./Blue}
color = Color4(0, 0, 0, 1)
# Assigns the red, green, and blue variables to each color channel attribute.
color.ColorR = red
color.ColorG = green
color.ColorB = blue

Transformation attribute bindings

MatrixSRT() binds transformation attributes. MatrixSRT() takes nine arguments: the first three arguments specify the scale transformation, the second three arguments specify the rotation transformation, and the last three arguments specify the translation transformation.

Syntax MatrixSRT(ScaleX, ScaleY, ScaleZ, RotationX, RotationY, RotationZ, TranslationX, TranslationY, TranslationZ)
ScaleX int, or float: scale of the object on the x-axis
ScaleY int, or float: scale of the object on the y-axis
ScaleZ int, or float: scale of the object on the z-axis
RotationX int, or float: rotation of the object on the x-axis in degrees
RotationY int, or float: rotation of the object on the y-axis in degrees
RotationZ int, or float: rotation of the object on the z-axis in degrees
TranslationX int, or float: translation of the object on the x-axis
TranslationY int, or float: translation of the object on the y-axis
TranslationZ int, or float: translation of the object on the z-axis

# Scales the object on the x, y, and z axes to 1 unit,
# rotates it around the x axis by 30 degrees
# and moves it on the z axis by 2 units.
MatrixSRT(1, 1, 1, 30, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2)

# Use variables as attributes of the MatrixSRT() to assign the
# attribute values of the whole Render Transformation property.

# Assigns custom property Rotation to a variable you use to control
# the rotation of an object.
rotate = {@./Rotation}
position = MatrixSRT(1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)

# Assigns the rotation variable to each rotation attribute.
position.RotationX = rotate
position.RotationY = rotate
position.RotationZ = rotate

See also

Using bindings

Using aliases